Dear Readers,
As you may know, I am currently working on my book, Shattered, which is consuming most of my writing capacity. I should be finished in two weeks, freeing up time to continue with the blog.
In the meantime:
What is on your mind? Would you like to ask me something?
If so, please comment below and I will endeavour to answer as many of your questions as I can.
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I like to talk about writing - if there are aspiring writers reading this, lets create a discussion about the business of becoming a writer.
I’ll try and get back to everyone as soon as possible.
Your loving writer, Hanif
This is from @leonie I’m the messenger until she can get here in person :)
Hanif, I’m a keen writer but feel too discouraged by what I hear about modern agents and publishers to actually submit anything for consideration. Why? Because I’m just a middle aged white Australian woman not writing particularly about gender or race or any of the (deservedly) topical subjects of today. I just write fiction that stirs me. I am not super-active on social media or a marketer’s dream in terms of looks and youth (not now I’m on the far side of 50 anyway!). Sadly, I had to work when I was young and only have time to write now.
I suspect I should give up my dream of publishing a book because I won’t be seen as a marketable prospect no matter how good my writing is. But somehow I can’t bear to. What is your advice?
By the way, you’re a courageous man and I wish you the very best. Leonie
I promised to make you a coat , you suggested in exchange for a short story. We met at St Stephens church in Westbourne Park the night of your book signing for I am still up for making you that coat, the style might change but I can would love to run one up.
I was born in 1964 in Manchester, both parents are Pakistani but not married, I was adopted by an English family. I suggested you come to be fitted at my studio but “ fuck that I’m not coming to Suffolk “ was your answer , still makes me laugh. Lemme me know if the deal is still on !