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So, without further ado, I present my essay of the day, a discussion about the business of writing for screen and creating complex characters. I hope you enjoy it.
To me writing for film is no different to writing for any other form. It is the telling of stories, only on celluloid. However, you are writing for a director and then for actors. Economy is usually the point; one objective of film writing is to make it as quick and light as possible. You can't put in whatever you fancy in the hope that a leisured reader might follow you for a while, as you might in a novel. In that sense films are more like short stories. The restrictions of the form are almost poetic, though most poems are not read aloud in cineplexes. Film is a broad art, which is its virtue.
Nevertheless, it didn't occur to any of us involved in My Son the Fanatic, for instance, that it would be either lucrative or of much interest to the general public. The film was almost a legacy of the 1960s and 70s, when one of the purposes of the BBC was to make cussed and usually provincial dramas about contemporary issues like homelessness, class and the Labour Party.
I had been aware since the early 1980s, when I visited Pakistan for the first time, that extreme Islam, or 'fundamentalism' – Islam as a political ideology - was filling a space where Marxism and capitalism had failed to take hold. To me this kind of Islam resembled neo-fascism or even Nazism: an equality of oppression for the masses with a necessary enemy - in this case 'the West' - helping to keep everything in place. When I was researching The Black Album and My Son the Fanatic, a young fundamentalist I met did compare his 'movement' to the IRA, to Hitler and to the Bolsheviks. I guess he had in mind the idea that small groups of highly motivated people could make a powerful political impact.
This pre-Freudian puritanical ideology certainly provided meaning and authority for the helpless and dispossessed. As importantly, it worked too, for those in the West who identified with them; for those who felt guilty at having left their brothers' behind in the Third World. How many immigrant families are there who haven't done that? Most of my family, for instance, have long since fled to Canada, Germany, the US and Britain; but some members refused to go. There can't have been a single middle-class family in Pakistan who didn't always have a bank account in the First World, ‘just in case’. Those left behind are usually the poor, uneducated, weak, old and furious.
Fundamentalist Islam is an ideology that began to flourish in a conspicuous age of plenty in the West, and in a time of media expansion. Everyone could see via satellite and video not only how wealthy the West was, but how sexualised it had become. (All 'sex and secularity over there, yaar,’ as I heard it put.) This was particularly shocking for countries that were still feudal. If you were in any sense a Third Worlder, you could either envy Western ideals and aspire to them, or you could envy and reject them. Either way, you could only make a life in relation to them. The new Islam is as recent as postmodernism.
Until recently I had forgotten Saeed Jaffrey's fruity line in My Beautiful Laundrette, 'Our country has been sodomised by religion, it is beginning to interfere with the making of money.’ Jaffrey's lordly laundrette owner was contrasted with the desiccated character played by Roshan Seth, for whom fraternity is represented by rational socialism rather than Islam, the sort of hopeful socialism he might have learned at the LSE in London in the 1940s. It is a socialism that would have no hope of finding a base in either 1980s Britain, or in Pakistan.
What Hussein, Omar and even his lover Johnny have in common is the desire to be rich. Not only that: what they also want, which is one of the West's other projects, is to flaunt and demonstrate to others their wealth and prosperity. They want to show off. This will, of course, induce violent envy in some of the poor and dispossessed, and may even encourage their desire to kill the rich.
One of my favourite uncles, a disillusioned Marxist, and a template for the character played by Shashi Kapoor in Sammy and Rosie Get Laid, had, by the mid-1980s, become a supporter of Reagan and Thatcher. Every morning we'd knock around Karachi going from office to office, where he had friends, to be given tea. No one ever seemed too busy to talk. My uncle claimed that economic freedom was Pakistan's only hope. If this surprised me, it was because I didn't grasp what intellectuals and liberals in the Third World were up against. There was a mass of people for whom alternative political ideologies either had no meaning or were tainted with colonialism, particularly when Islamic grass-roots organisation was made so simple through the mosques. For my uncle the only possible contrast to revolutionary puritanism had to be acquisition; liberalism smuggled in via materialism. So if Islam represented a new puritanism, progress would be corruption, through the encouragement of desire. But it was probably too late for this already; American materialism, and the dependence and quasi-imperialism that accompanied it, was resented and despised.
In Karachi there were few books written, films made or theatre productions mounted. If it seemed dull to me, still I had never lived in a country where social collapse and murder were everyday possibilities. At least there was serious talk. My uncle's house, a version of which appears in My Beautiful Laundrette, was a good place to discuss politics and books, and read the papers and watch films. In the 1980s American businessmen used to come by. My uncle claimed they all said they were in 'tractors.’ They worked for the CIA; they were tolerated if not patronised, not unlike the old-style British colonialists the Pakistani men still remembered. No one thought the 'tractor men' had any idea what was really going on, because they didn't understand the force of Islam.
But the Karachi middle class had some idea, and they were worried. They were obsessed with their 'status' or their position. Were they wealthy, powerful leaders of the country, or were they a complacent parasitic class - oddballs, Western but not, Pakistani but not - about to become irrelevant in the coming chaos of disintegration?
A few years later, in 1989, the fatwa against Rushdie was announced and, although I saw my family in London, I didn't return to Karachi. I was told by the Embassy that my safety could not be guaranteed. Not long after, when I was writing The Black Album, a fundamentalist acquaintance told me that killing Rushdie had become irrelevant. The point was that this was 'the first time the community has worked together. It won't be the last. We know our strength now.'
I have often been asked how it's possible for someone like me to carry two quite different world-views within, of Islam and the West: not, of course, that I do. Once my uncle said to me with some suspicion, 'You're not a Christian, are you?' 'No,’ I said. ‘I’m an atheist.' 'So am I,' he replied. 'But I am still Muslim. 'A Muslim atheist?' I said, ‘it sounds odd? He said, 'Not as odd as being nothing, an unbeliever.'
Like a lot of queries put to writers, this question about how to put different things together is a representative one. We all have built-in and contrasting attitudes, represented by the different sexes of our parents, each of whom would have a different back-ground and psychic history. Parents always disagree about which ideals they believe their children should pursue. A child is a cocktail of its parents' desires. Being a child at all involves resolving, or synthesising, at least two different worlds, outlooks and positions.
If it becomes too difficult to hold disparate material within, if this feels too 'mad' or becomes a 'clash’, one way of coping would be to reject one part entirely, perhaps by forgetting it. Another way is to be at war with it internally, trying to evacuate it, but never succeeding, an attempt Farid makes in My Son the Fanatic. All he does is constantly reinstate an electric tension between differences - differences that his father can bear and even enjoy, as he listens to Louis Armstrong and speaks Urdu.
My father, who had similar tastes to the character played by Omi Puri, never lived in Pakistan. Â But, like a lot of middle-class Indians, he was educated by both mullahs and nuns, and developed an aversion to both. He came to love Nat King Cole and Louis Armstrong, the music of black American former slaves. It is this kind of complexity that the fundamentalist has to reject.
Like the racist, the fundamentalist works only with fantasy. For instance, there are those who like to consider the West to be only materialistic and the East only religious. The fundamentalist's idea of the West, like the racist's idea of his victim, is immune to argument or contact with reality. (Every self-confessed fundamentalist I have met was anti-Semitic.) This fantasy of the Other is always sexual, too. The West is re-created as a godless orgiastic stew of immoral copulation. If the black person has been demonised by the white, in turn the white is now being demonised by the militant Muslim. These fighting couples can't leave one another alone.
These disassociations are eternal human strategies and they are banal. What a fiction writer can do is show the historical forms they take at different times: how they are lived out day by day by particular individuals. And if we cannot prevent individuals believing whatever they like about others - putting their fantasies into them - we can at least prevent these prejudices becoming institutionalised or an acceptable part of the culture.
A few days after the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center, a film director friend said to me, 'What do we do now? There's no point to us. It's all politics and survival. How do the artists go on?'
I didn't know what to say; it had to be thought about. Islamic fundamentalism is a mixture of slogans and resentment; it works well as a system of authority that constrains desire, but it strangles this source of human life too. But of course in the Islamic states, as in the West, there are plenty of dissenters and quibblers, and those hungry for mental and political freedom. These essential debates can only take place within a culture; they are what a culture is, and they demonstrate how culture opposes the domination of either materialism or puritanism. If both racism and fundamentalism are diminishers of life – reducing others to abstractions - the effort of culture must be to keep others alive by describing and celebrating their intricacy, by seeing that this is not only of value but a necessity.
You can find the published works of Hanif Kureishi here on Faber Books (available for delivery in the UK).
You have the most remarkable way of putting things. Thank you for your sharp intellect and generous heart.
Yours was a thoughtful, insightful and enlightening essay, written from a perspective that exists forever outside of my realm of experience.
After I was done reading it, I went out into the garden as it was getting dark. I lit a disposable barbecue. After the flames died down, I tossed a couple of things on the flimsy grill. I sat down and I thought about your writing, and watched the squashed red and yellow constellations of the distant aircraft as they moved through the skies overhead. I can't remember the last time I sat alone and in silence, and simply thought about things. I should do it more often. I think I might be happier if I did.
The first time that I read a movie script (I believe it was 'Pulp Fiction') I was astonished by how spartan it was. I was expecting something with the density of a Shakespearean play, and it wasn't like that at all. I have since come to the realisation that movies are more than just words and images on a screen; that they braid together narratives framed in a myriad of different mediums. Recently I have become fascinated (to the point of hitting pause on the DVD remote) by set dressings – those rooms that have the superficial appearance of places where people have lived and worked, maybe for years, and yet none of it is real. Somebody on the production team thoughtfully positioned every object, both in and out of shot, and perhaps considered the history of each piece and its relevance to the characters occupying that space.
I moved through Yemen on my own, during the late 90s. I speed-read a Penguin translation of the Quran during the flight over. I don't think that you could still negotiate the country the way that I did back then, or whether you would even want to. If you could, then it would probably be harder now. You were supposed to obtain permits from the police prior to moving between the major towns. The soldiers/tribesmen would ask you for the paperwork at the checkpoints, which were usually little more than tied together sections of old rope, strung across the road, between pairs of oil drums. You could plead ignorance and they would usually allow you through, with a few notable exceptions. You weren't getting anywhere near Marib without a formal nod of the head.
I had acquired a revolver for protection from the local wildlife. There are roving dog packs and they are very dangerous. I had haggled for the gun in one of the villages outside of Sana'a while sitting on a metal crate that was filled with hand grenades. While I was in Yemen, I was not in a good frame of mind. I was frequently high on a natural amphetamine called Qat – the cheap and nasty variety that would make your throat bleed. On occasion I was also drunk. One evening I sat on the end of the bed in my hotel room. I loaded the gun and put it in my mouth with the barrel pointed upward. I had no intention of pulling the trigger. I wanted to see what it was like to be poised on the brink, but it was an empty gesture. I was a walking disaster of a human being. In common with many other walking human disasters, I was invulnerable. Before I left the country, I dismantled the revolver and buried the parts in different places. I haven't fired a gun since then, and I don't imagine that I ever will again.
On paper, Yemen had been unified in 1990. The friends that I made still separated the country into the relatively liberal south and the hardline conservative north. Ironically, while I was there, it was in the liberal south, in Abyan, where a large group of foreign tourists were taken captive and later killed, either by their kidnappers, or in the crossfire between the terrorists and the army. It was an early manifestation of al-Qaeda, a couple of years before the bombing of the USS Cole, in Aden Harbour, and everything that came after that.
I have often wondered if the people who died were from one of the tour groups who I would sometimes see climbing out of SUVs and then walking aimlessly up and down a street, too nervous to take a seat in one of the cafes. There is a misconception that a man bearing a talismanic Kalashnikov will keep you safe under such circumstances. In truth it is your fellow travellers from the area, with whom you drink tea and converse, who offer you your best hope against those who wish to cause you harm. Better to make your own way, rather than under the banner of a tour group.
There was a general assumption that, if you were a westerner, and not a Muslim, then you must be a Christian. The idea that you might be an atheist was apparently too implausible a thing to contemplate. Informing someone that you didn't care either way was very likely an anathema. In Yemen, and in other similar places, for the sake of simplicity I became an honorary Christian.
When I was wandering around in Dankalia, in Eritrea, I played a taped copy of the song 'Blues For Allah' by The Grateful Dead to a group of tribesmen. I was interested in what their reactions would be. A man who I was travelling with provided a translation of the lyrics which I recited, and which occasionally appeared to spark conversation, though I was not party to it.
In the desert, where the mosques are often little more than low circular walls of mud brick, indistinguishable, from a distance, from the surrounding landscape, something peculiar seems to happen to Islam. It becomes less a religion and more a credo; something that is inseparable from day to day life. I would very much like to exist in such a manner, in unobtrusive harmony with whatever god will have me, and with nature, and the banal minutiae of my cloistered existence. Unfortunately, I don't think I have it in me.