hi hanif: i like the photo of you. i think it must be a candid photo of you. i feel like we are really seeing you. thanks for showing us. the room you are in reminds me of my living space. keep going. j.

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I should probably not say this in case my intentions are misunderstood, but I'd offer my bare soiled ass to you so you could wipe it for me. I believe this is true comradeship.

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Getting it on pre-order from Amazon… wishing you well and from your earlier post you mentioned your Biography ‘Writing the Self’ by Ravani Ranasinha. Firstly I want to thank you for bringing this writer to my attention. Her writing is fantastic and beautiful, erudite and concise. You said you haven’t read the Biography yet - I urge you to read it - it is so detailed with superb research and analysis of your work… All the best.

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Congratulations on the launch of your latest book!

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How's library sales Hanif? Always curious, and I'll file a request at mine. They usually do what I say. I think they're a little afraid of me : )

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This looks wonderful, thank you look forward to reading it

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Great achievement...look forward to reading this...

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Pre-ordered right away. It will go on my desk right next to the 800 pg tome set mostly in Bromley ;-)

Your mind is a beacon. Thanks for keeping it burning bright.

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Good morning Hanif,

I am wondering if it will be possible to purchase your book in the U.S. I live in San Pedro California.

Thank you,

Mary Kay

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I pre-ordered it through Amazon UK. I live in Massachusetts.

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Congratulations, Hanif (and to your family). Looking forward to buying it when it’s available in the US. Your name has frequently popped up in my conversations for the past year - usually discussing insights from your latest blog etc. I look forward to sharing your book. Best regards.

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Congratulations. Brilliant achievement alongside everything you’ve been through and overcome and continue to go through. Pre-order: done. Have been reading all your blogs since you started them. Await the collated version curiously … keep on, H

You’re a legend 💫🧡💫

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Done. Looking forward to reading it!

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Good luck with sales Hamif, will be revisiting your offers soon. Glad you have Roy L for company.

Best wishes

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Congratulations! That’s an amazing, really an extraordinary accomplishment, Hanif. Will preorder when I can get the eBook here in Canada. (Reading online, nowadays.)

Have been enjoying your posts, love the one on Bowie, especially, and will now sign up as a paying subscriber.

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Too bad the shipping to Romania costs as much as the book… will make sure to buy it when it’s available in paperback here. Unfortunately, that usually takes up to 18 months from initial HB release.

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Any plans for a limited edition of some kind?

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