I live and work in a different billionaire-heavy part of the world. Similar scenarios play out here. Reading this I was internally waving my arms in a big NO! gesture (like the Twin Peaks giant, if you know him) at poor Luna.
Plus it can feel so exciting and electric and uneasy to be living temporarily in someone else's place.
A friend of mine has known a billionaire since school. Not an enviable position for her despite his very occasional impromptu gifts and nights out to places. She feels like the billionaire is slowly being corrupted by his money. He doesn’t seem to have the emotional nous to resist this transformation...so Hanif this story really spoke to me. Thank you.
Thank you for this story. I love reading your stories. I hate how they make my heart beat a little bit faster because I think it's going to end too soon. I don't like that . But then again, I don't want it to drag on interminably like whatsisname - the fella that wrote "A Suitable Boy ." Thank you.
To me this billionnaire just seems to be a screen for projections, not human at all to Luna, a little human to Shiv. And even their look at their own life seems superficial, stanced out of middle class cliché.
I live and work in a different billionaire-heavy part of the world. Similar scenarios play out here. Reading this I was internally waving my arms in a big NO! gesture (like the Twin Peaks giant, if you know him) at poor Luna.
Plus it can feel so exciting and electric and uneasy to be living temporarily in someone else's place.
A friend of mine has known a billionaire since school. Not an enviable position for her despite his very occasional impromptu gifts and nights out to places. She feels like the billionaire is slowly being corrupted by his money. He doesn’t seem to have the emotional nous to resist this transformation...so Hanif this story really spoke to me. Thank you.
Thank you for this story. I love reading your stories. I hate how they make my heart beat a little bit faster because I think it's going to end too soon. I don't like that . But then again, I don't want it to drag on interminably like whatsisname - the fella that wrote "A Suitable Boy ." Thank you.
Sorry to see the story take a break. A perfect and somehow familiar set of not-enough-$ issues, perfectly written. Thanks.
To me this billionnaire just seems to be a screen for projections, not human at all to Luna, a little human to Shiv. And even their look at their own life seems superficial, stanced out of middle class cliché.